2007년 12월 16일 일요일

(week 15)closing discussion

aesthetic object
- from material to abstract idea
- spatial shift
- discursive field
- idealogical shift

media artwork after 200s
- digital media - based
- interactivity
- immateriality - VR, AR
- out of originality

chariteristics of media art
- interactive
- dynamic
- participatory

The last class.

2007년 12월 10일 월요일

(Week 14) new media: determining or determined?

1.6.2 mapping Marshall McLuhan and Williams
1.6.3 Williams and the social shaping of technology
1.6.4 the many virtues of Sant McLuhan

the idea that tools are extensions of soul and body.
Productions of Human industry
Technology as a form of ‘organ projection’

three virtues of McLuhan.
1. The extension thesis:technology is an ‘extension of man’
2. The environmental thesis:‘the new media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature’
3. The anti-content thesis:‘Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by content of the communication