2007년 10월 29일 월요일

(Week 8) the characteristics of new media 3

-virtuality = virtual reality = VR

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer - simulated environment, be it a real or imagined one.

Cyberspace is a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures.

- Two kind of VR
- immersive VR
- VR of online network

.. what is real? what is virtual?..

We are looking forward to being able to enjoy by virtual reality .
We can do anything by the VR.
I think the VR will offer us a lot of opportunities to experience eventful thing .

2007년 10월 12일 금요일

(week 6)the characteristics of new media 2


Our book's definition

Each one carries a number of pathways to other units
Analogue VS Digitally
Hypertext as non-sequential writing
pages have been sequential.
The link permits fully non sequential writing.

Dispersal is the product of shifts in our relationships
Mass media and new media-differentiated audience is no longer a mass audience
The multiplicity of messages and source.

Hypertext is key to understanding new media..

key to understanding?
I think,
that is hypertext' maening [conecting or moving factor(other thing)]

And dispersal [shiting or speading]

2007년 10월 4일 목요일

(week 5)The characteristics of new media 1

In the last class, we learned about two characteristics of new media.

One of the characteristic is a digitality.

Through the lesson, we can define digitality ;"dematerialised from physical form","visual literacy"

Those definitions are not easy to understand for me.

Even though "Digital" is more innovative technic than "Analog",

"Digital" could not contribute to me more artistic emotion than "Analog".

Another characteristic which we learned is an interactivity.

When Professor Yoon explaned this word using comparing with feedback, I could not understand easily.

On the other hand, comunications with the textbook can help me know the meaning well.

To be honest, I don't know deeply yet about several words like instrumental, idealogical, stability and fluidity.